
Rabbi Bemporad’s article “Let Us Make Man” was published in October 2021, as part of a collection honoring noted philosopher Andrea Poma, by the University of Turin.


Rabbi Bemporad gave a lecture on “God, Science, and Religion” in Tampa, Florida, sponsored by the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at St. Leo University and Congregation Schaarai Zedek.


Having taught at the St. Thomas Aquinas University in Rome for more than 22 years, Rabbi Bemporad stays in contact with the more than 100 of his Russell Berrie Fellowship students, now situated around the world. He recently gave this “Zoom” lecture via an Alumni network to many of these graduates entitled, “Monotheism in the Hebrew Bible and its Implications for Interreligious Dialogue.”

In addition to the lecture, this clip includes some of the questions and comments from his students.


Judaism as a Spiritual Path

A presentation of the inner aspects of the Jewish religion and how they are connected to the Jewish understanding of the Torah, inclusive of the foundation of Jewish Teaching and how its practice is manifested in the inner life of the Jew. Also, a description of the Jewish teaching as to the nature of the individual and the ethical dimension of his/her existence. Finally, a discussion of the significance of repentance and atonement in Jewish life.

The Inner Journey.Views from the Jewish Tradition.Edited by Rabbi Jack Bemporad. Published by Morning Light Press, 2007. 323 North First, Suite 203. Sandpoint, Indiana 83864

Introduction to The Inner Journey:

Views From the Jewish Tradition

By Rabbi Jack Bemporad

Judaism affirms that human beings are by nature religious. They require that certain basic psychological and spiritual needs be fulfilled, and it is religion that, for better or for worse, attempts to fulfill them. For in all of us there is a constant quest for some explanation of how things ultimately hang together, a sense of the whole of things. We need an explanation of the world, but most important, we strive to understand our place in it, our role in this vast cosmos of which we are a part.

Science tries to explain parts, sections, certain domains in our universe. But there is a need to put these domains together and this needs a perspective that can connect facts and values; the true, the good, the beautiful, and the holy. This is beyond the work of science. A religious perspective is needed that tries to incorporate all these values into some overall framework, to give us a sense of the world and our place in it.

To continue reading The Inner Journey, click here.


“There must be common goals we all share as human beings prior to and independent of whatever may be our religious affirmations. Our discussion is not the same as the dialogue between science and religion nor is it the same as the discussion between religion and secularism. It is the dialogue of two historical faith communities, which share so much that, is essential and yet their interrelationships have never been historically explored in an authentic and honest manner to discover the truth that each can offer the other.”                                                                                                          – Rabbi Jack Bemporad

Rabbi Bemporad has delivered over over 10,000 sermons, speeches and lectures in more than 30 countries — including Israel, Italy, Mexico, India, Germany, Belgium, England, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland and Croatia  —  and his writings have been published in dozens of books. Below is a just sample of his voluminous and internationally respected works.

Ten Principles Of Judaism

Repentance & Reconciliation

The Necessity For Theological Dialogue Between Christians & Jews

Fatwa Against Terrorism

The Possibility of Transformation Through Dialogue

The Universal Catechism’s Teachings On The Jews

Understanding The Other: The Way Forward In The Middle East

Uniting The World’s Religions For Peace

We Remember

What Can Jews Affirm About God After The Holocaust?

An Open Letter To Congress From Leaders Of The Faith Community

Jews In Europe: Guests or Co-Hosts?

Saint John Paul II’s Outreach to the Jewish Community