Photo Gallery

Ambassador Michael Kozak, the State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, was also among those from the State Dept. invited to join the trip. Here seen with Rabbi Bemporad at a dinner hosted by the Mayor of Munich. (photo: Susan Barnett)

Rabbi Bemporad and Imam Ahmet Muharrem Atlig, from Turkey, on their tour through Auschwitz barracks. (photo: Susan Barnett)

Imam Mohamed Magid, President of the Islamic Society of North America, meets a Survivor in Krakow, Poland. (photo: Susan Barnett)

Rabbi Bemporad speaks with Ira Forman, newly appointed Special Envoy to Combat Anti-Semitism who joined the delegation at Auschwitz as his first act after his appointment by Sec. of State John Kerry. (photo: Susan Barnett)

Dr. Barakat Fawzi Hasan from Palestine signs the Auschwitz book of remembrance. (photo: Susan Barnett)

The Chief Imam of India, Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, and US Imams Muzammil Siddiqi and Mohamed Magid meet with Righteous Among Nations at a synagogue in Warsaw, Poland. (photo: Susan Barnett)

The Muslim delegation in prayer at the infamous Wall of Death at Auschwitz where prisoners were routinely shot to increase fear in others. (photo: Susan Barnett)